You do not need expensive garbage disposal cleaners to run your garbage disposal efficiently and get rid of the smell. All you have to do is mix 1/2 cup of baking soda followed by 1/2 cup of white vinegar.
The mixture will look fizzy. Wait for 5-10 then pour some boiling or hot water.
To clean and sharpen the blades, freeze some vinegar in an ice cube tray then toss the ice-vinegar cubes down the garbage disposal and grind.
If there is a funny smell coming out of the drain, slice a lemon or use a lemon wedge after you are done using it, toss it in the garbage disposal then turn on as usual to grind. It takes few days to get rid of the lemon rind so your garbage disposal should stay smelling fresh for at least a week.
Microwave Cleaning tip: Use a juice of a lemon to clean the microwave by adding 1-2 cups of water in a microwave safe bowl with the lemon juice. Microwave until the water starts boiling then let it sit for few minutes. Wipe down the interior of the microwave with a paper towel or a damp Cloth. Once you're done, toss what's left of the lemon skin, rind, and pulp down the garbage disposal. Turn on the disposal and enjoy a clean microwave AND a garbage disposal.
This post was linked on Kitchen Tip Tuesdays
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